
Acorn, Milton. I’ve Tasted My Blood: Poems 1956-1968. 1969. Toronto: Steel Rail Educational, 1978. [Poetry]

---. “On the Recurrence of Poetry (A Poem Composed During the Last Dream of the Night).” I’ve Tasted 118.

---. “Once I Lay on a Mattress.” I’ve Tasted 29.

---. “Ordinary Story.” I’ve Tasted 70.

Arcan, Nelly. PutainParis: Seuil, 2001. [Novel]

Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid’s Tale. Toronto: McClelland, 1985. [Novel]

Bangkok Girl. Dir. Jordan Clark. High Banks Entertainment, 2005. [Film]

Baxter, Sheila. No Way to Live: Poor Women Speak Out. Vancouver: New Star, 1988. [Oral History]

Blais, Marie-Claire. Une Saison dans la vie d’Emmanuel.Montréal: Éditions du Jour, 1965. [Novel]

“Boomtown Sex Trade Documentary.” The Current. Part 2. CBC Radio. CBC, Toronto. 16 Apr. 2007. [TV]

Boucher, Denise. Les Fées ont soif. Montréal: Intermède, 1978. [Play]

Les Bougon, c’est aussi ça la vie! By François Avard and Jean-François Mercier. Dir. Louis Bolduc. Prod. Fabienne Larouche and Michel Trudeau Aetios. Radio-Canada. 7 Jan. 2004-17 Apr. 2006. [TV]

Brand, Dionne. At the Full and Change of the Moon. Toronto: Knopf, 1999. [Novel]

Callaghan, Morley. Such Is My Beloved. Toronto: McClelland, 1957. [Novel]

Campbell, Maria. Halfbreed.Toronto: McClelland, 1973. [Life Writing]

Collier, Diana G. The Invisible Women of Washington. Atlanta; Ottawa: Clarity, 1987. [Novel]

Courtemanche, Gil. Un Dimanche à la piscine à Kigali. Montréal: Boréal, 2002. [Novel]

Crozier, Lorna. ed. Desire in Seven Voices. Vancouver: Douglas, 1999. [Personal Essay]

Culleton, Beatrice [Beatrice Mosionier]. In Search of April Raintree.Winnipeg, MB: Pemmican, 1983. [Novel]

The Diary of Evelyn Lau. Dir. Sturla Gunnarsson. CBC, 1993. [Film Adaptation of Evelyn Lau’s Runaway: Diary of a Street Kid]

Un Dimanche à Kigali. Dir. Robert Favreau. Equinoxe Films, 2006. [Film Adaptation of Gil Courtemanche’s Un Dimanche à la piscine à Kigali]

Domokos, Alex, and Rita Y. Toews. Body Traffic. Edmonton: NeWest, 2005. [Novel]

Donna’s Story.Dir. Doug Cuthand. NFB, 2001. [Film]

English, Sharon. “Ship of Fools.” Zero Gravity. Erin, ON: Porcupine’s Quill, 2006. 127-46. [Short Story]

Godfrey, Rebecca. The Torn Skirt. Toronto: Harper, 2005. [Novel]

Goh, Poh Seng. The Girl from Ermita & Selected Poems 1961-1998. Madeira Park, BC: Nightwood, 1998. [Poetry]

Grove, Frederick Phillip. Settlers of the Marsh.1925. Toronto: Penguin, 2006. [Novel]

Heroines - The Photographic Obsession of Lincoln Clarkes. Dir. Stan Feingold. NFB, 2001. [Film]

Highcrest, Alexandra. At Home on the Stroll: My Twenty Years as a Prostitute in Canada. Toronto: Knopf, 1997. [Life Writing]

Highway, Tomson. Kiss of the Fur Queen. Toronto: Doubleday, 1988. [Novel]

Hodgins, Jack. The Invention of the World1977. Toronto: McClelland, 1994. [Novel]

Holding Our Ground.Dir. Anne Henderson. NFB, 1988. [Film]

Hookers on Davie. Dir. Holly Dale. Spectrum Films, 1984. [Film]

Inside Boystown.Dir. Louise Walker. NFB, 2002. [Film]

Kwa, Lydia. This Place Called Absence. Winnipeg, MB: Turnstone, 2000. [Novel]

Lane, Patrick. “If.” The New Oxford Book of Canadian Verse in English. Comp. Margaret Atwood. Toronto: OUP, 1982. 291. [Poetry]

Lau, Evelyn. Fresh Girls and Other Stories. Toronto: Harper, 2001. [Short Story]

---. Runaway: Diary of a Street Kid.Toronto: Harper, 1989. [Life Writing]

Maillet, Antonine. La Sagouine.Montréal: Leméac, 1971. [Play]

Marlatt, Daphne. Ana Historic. Toronto: Anansi, 1997. [Novel]

Minimum Charge, No Cover. Dir. Janis Cole and Holly Dale. Spectrum Films, 1976. [Film]

Nose and Tina.Dir. Norma Bailey. NFB, 1980. [Film]

O’Neill, Heather. Lullabies for Little Criminals.New York: Harper, 2006. [Novel]

Of Hopscotch and Little Girls.Dir. Marquise Lepage. NFB, 1999. [Film]

Prince, Althea. “Ladies of the Night.” Eyeing the North Star: Directions in African-Canadian Literature. Ed. George Elliott Clarke. Toronto: McClelland, 1997. 74-83. [Short Story]

Robinson, Eden. Blood Sports. Toronto: McClelland, 2006. [Novel]

Silvera, Makeda. “Canada Sweet, Girl.” Class Is the Issue. Spec. issue of Fireweed 25 (Fall 1987): 11-19. [Short Story]

Souster, Raymond. “Call Girl at King and Bay.” Old Bank Notes.Ottawa: Oberon, 1993. 9. [Poetry]

---. “Four Girls at the Corner.” The Colour of the Times: The Collected Poems of Raymond Souster Toronto: Ryerson, 1964. 103. [Poetry]

Stone, Anne. Hush. Toronto: Insomniac, 1999.[Novel]

The Street.Dir. Fergus McDonell. NFB, 1957. [Film]

Street Kids. Dir. Peg Campbell. NFB, 1985. [Film]

Tokyo Girls. Dir. Penelope Buitenhuis. NFB, 2000. [Film]

The True Story of Linda M. Dir. Norma Bailey. NFB, 1995. [Film]

Winemaker, Susan. Concertina: The Life and Loves of a Dominatrix. London: Simon, 2007. [Novel]

Wiseman, Adele. Crackpot. Toronto: McClelland, 1974. [Novel]


Compiled by Jackie Hall and Roxanne Rimstead