Radicalisme politique - Sources secondaires

Aaron, Daniel. Writers on the Left: Episodes in American Literary Communism. 1961. New York: Columbia UP, 1992.

Amoore, Louise, ed. The Global Resistance Reader. New York; London, Routledge, 2005

Angus, Ian. Canadian Bolsheviks: The Early Years of the Communist Party of Canada. Montreal: Vanguard, 1981.

Avakumovic, Ivan. The Communist Party in Canada: A History. Toronto: McClelland, 1975.

Boire, Gary. Morley Callaghan: Literary Anarchist. Toronto: ECW Press, 1994.

Brown, Edward J. The Proletarian Episode in Russian Literature, 1928-1932. 1953. New York: Octagon, 1971.

Cappon, Paul, ed.In Our Own House: Social Perspectives on Canadian Literature. Toronto: McClelland, 1978. 

Chapman, Ethel. With Flame of Freedom. Toronto: Thomas Allen, 1938.

Chomsky, Noam. Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky. Ed. Peter R. Mitchell and John Schoeffel. New York: The New Press, 2002.

---. The Chomsky Reader. Ed. James Peck. New York: Pantheon, 1987.

Denning, Michael. The Cultural Front: The Laboring of American Culture in the Twentieth Century. New York: Verso, 1997.

Doyle, James. Progressive Heritage: The Evolution of a Politically Radical Literary Tradition in Canada. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2002.

Filewod, Alan. Collective Encounters: Documentary Theatre in English Canada. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1987.

Filewod, Alan, and David Watt. Workers’ Playtime: Theatre and the Labour Movement since 1970. Sydney, Austral.: Currency P, 2001.

Foley, Barbara. Radical Representations: Politics and Form in U.S. Proletarian Fiction, 1929-1941. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1993.   

Fraser, Dawn. Echoes from Labor’s Wars. Expanded ed. Introd. David Frank and Don MacGillivray. Wreck Cove, NS: Breton, 1992. 

Fried, Albert, and Ronald Sanders, eds. Socialist Thought: A Documentary History. Rev. ed. New York: Columbia UP, 1992.

Gelder, Ken, and Sarah Thornton, eds. The Subcultures Reader. New York; London: Routledge, 1997.

Gornick, Vivian. The Romance of American Communism. New York: Basic, 1977.

Hall, Anthony. The American Empire and the Fourth World. Montreal; Kingston: MQUP, 2003.

Irr, Caren. The Suburb of Dissent: Cultural Politics in Canada and the United States during the 1930’s. Durham; London: Duke UP, 1998.

Khouri, Malek, and Darrel Varga, eds. Working on Screen: Representations of the Working Class in Canadian Cinema. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2006.

Kimmel, David. “The Spirit of Canadian Democracy: Margaret Fairley and the Communist Cultural Worker’s Responsibility to the People.” Left History 1 (Spring 1993): 34-55. 

Kimmel, David, and Gregory S. Kealey. “With Our Own Hands: Margaret Fairley and the ‘Real Makers’ of Canada.” Labour 31 (Spring 1993): 353-85.  

Klinck, Carl F. “Literary Activity in the Canadas 1812-1841.” Literary History of Canada: Canadian Literature in English.Gen. ed. Carl Klinck. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1965. 125-44.

Leahy, David. “Class and Canadian Literature.” The Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada. Ed. W.H. New. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2002. 209-14.

Lévesque, Andrée. Red Travellers: Jeanne Corbin & Her Comrades. Montreal; Kingston: MQUP, 2006.

Mandle, Jay R. Globalization and the Poor. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge UP, 2003.

Marshall, Joyce. Presently Tomorrow. Boston: Little, 1946.

Mathews, Robin. Canadian Literature: Surrender or Revolution. Ed. Gail Dexter. Toronto: Steel Rail Educational, 1978.

McKay, Ian. Rebels, Reds, Radicals: Rethinking Canada’s Left History. Toronto: Between the Lines, 2005.

McNally, David. Another World Is Possible: Globalization and Anti-Capitalism. Winnipeg, MB: Arbeiter Ring Pub., 2002.

Murphy, James F. The Proletarian Moment: The Controversy over Leftism in Literature. Urbana, IL: U of Illinois P, 1991.    

Myers, Gustavus. A History of Canadian Wealth. Introd. Stanley Ryerson. 1914. Toronto: Lewis & Samuel, 1972.

Ornstein, Michael, and Michael Stevenson, eds. Politics and Ideology in Canada: Elite and Public Opinion in the Transformation of the Welfare State. Montreal; Kingston: MQUP, 1999.

Palmer, Bryan D. “Rhyming Reds and Fractious Fictions: Canada’s History of Literary Radicalism.” American Review of Canadian Studies 34.1 (Spring 2004): 99-104.

Penner, Norman. Canadian Communism: The Stalin Years and Beyond. Toronto: Methuen, 1988.

Reid, Malcolm. The Shouting Signpainters: A Literary and Political Account of Quebec Revolutionary Nationalism. New York: Monthly Review P, 1972.

Rifkind, Candida. Comrades and Critics: Women, Literature, and the Left in 1930s Canada. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2008.

Rimstead, Roxanne. “ ‘Knowable Communities’ in Canadian Criticism.” Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas 41.1 (May 2008): 43-53.

---. Remnants of Nation: On Poverty Narratives by Women. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2001.

Rodney, William. Soldiers of the International: A History of the Communist Party of Canada, 1919 -1929. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1968.   

Ryerson, Stanley. 1837: The Birth of Canadian Democracy. Toronto: Francis White, 1937.

---. The Founding of Canada: Beginnings to 1815. 1960. Toronto: Progress, 1972.

---. French Canada: A Study of Canadian Democracy. Toronto: Progress, 1943.

---. Unequal Union: Confederation and the Roots of Conflict in the Canadas, 1815-1873. Toronto: Progress, 1968.

Rymhs, Deena. From the Iron House: Imprisonment in First Nations Writing. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2008.

Shek, Ben-Z. Social Realism in the French Canadian Novel. Montreal: Harvest House, 1977.

Stephen, A[lexander] M[aitland]. Fascism: The Black International. Vancouver: B.C. Clarion, 1934.

---. The Gleaming Archway. Toronto: Dent, 1929.

---. Hitlerism in Canada. Vancouver: Canadian League against War and Fascism, 1934.

---. Marxism: The Basis for a New Social Order. Vancouver: B.C. Clarion, 1933.

Wald, Alan M. Writing from the Left: New Essays on Radical Culture and Politics. New York: Verso, 1994.

Watt, F.W. “Radicalism in English-Canadian Literature since Confederation.” Diss. U of Toronto, 1957.

Weisbord, Merrily. The Strangest Dream: Canadian Communists, the Spy Trials, and the Cold War. 2nd ed. Montreal: Véhicule, 1994.

Zandy, Janet. Hands: Physical Labor, Class, and Cultural Work. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers, 2004.


Compilée par Amir Hossein Roostaee et Roxanne Rimstead