
Agah, Azadeh, Sousan Mehr, and Shadi Parsi. We Lived to Tell: Political Prison Memoirs of Iranian Women. Toronto: McGilligan, 2007. [Life Writing]

Agnant, Marie-Célie. Le Livre d’Emma. Montréal: Éditions du remue-ménage, 2001. [Novel]

Aquin, Hubert. Prochain épisode. Montréal: Tisseyre, 1965. [Novel]

Arcand, Nelly. Putain. Paris: Seuil, 2001. [Novel]

Atwood, Margaret. Alias Grace. Toronto: McClelland, 1996. [Novel]

---. The Handmaid’s Tale. Toronto: McClelland, 1985. [Novel]

---. “Marrying the Hangman.” The New Oxford Book of Canadian Verse in English. Comp. Margaret Atwood. Toronto: OUP, 1982. 352-54. [Poetry]

Berton, Pierre. Prisoners of the North. Toronto: Doubleday, 2004. [Reportage/Life Writing]

Bruyere, Christian. Walls: A Play. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1978. [Play]

Bumsted, J.M. Louis Riel v. Canada: The Making of a Rebel. Winnipeg, MB: Great Plains, 2001. [Reportage/Life Writing]

Caron, Roger. Bingo! Toronto: Methuen, 1985. [Life Writing]

---. Go Boy! Memoirs of a Life Behind Bars. Toronto: McGraw, 1978. [Life Writing]

Castonguay, Bernard. Prisonnier de guerre au Japon, 1941-1945. Longueuil, QC: René Giard, 2005. [Life Writing]

Clarke, George Elliot. George & Rue. Toronto: Harper, 2005. [Novel]

Comack, Elizabeth. Women in Trouble: Connecting Women’s Law Violations to Their History of Abuse. Halifax, NS: Fernwood, 1996. [Reportage]

Culhane, Claire. Barred from Prison. Vancouver: Pulp, 1979. [Personal Essay]

---. No Longer Barred from Prison: Social Injustice in Canada. Rev. ed. Montreal: Black Rose, 1991. [Personal Essay]

---. Still Barred from Prison: Social Injustice in Canada. Montreal: Black Rose, 1985. [Personal Essay]

Dangerous Offender. Dir. Holly Dale. Spectrum Films, 1996. [Film]

Dubé, Richard. The Haven. Toronto: Harper, 2002. [Life Writing]

Faith, Karlene, ed. 13 Women: Parables from Prison. Vancouver: Douglas, 2006. [Oral History]

---. Unruly Women: The Politics of Confinement and Resistance. Vancouver: Press Gang, 1993. [Personal Essay]

Fooks, Georgia Green. Prairie Prisoners: POWs in Lethbridge During Two World Conflicts. Lethbridge, AB: Lethbridge Historical Society, 2002. [Reportage/Life Writing]

Fournier, Jules. Souvenirs de prison. 1910. Montréal: Comeau; Marseille: Agone, 2000. [Life Writing]

Haig-Brown, Celia. Resistance and Renewal: Surviving the Indian Residential School. Vancouver: Tillacum, 1988. [Life Writing]

Hansen, Ann. Direct Action: Memoirs of an Urban Guerilla. Toronto: Between the Lines, 2001. [Life Writing]

Helwig, David. “Words from Hell.” The New Oxford Book of Canadian Verse in English. Comp. Margaret Atwood. Toronto: OUP, 1982. 332. [Poetry]

Irie, Kevin. “The Camps: Burning the Dead.” Paper Doors: An Anthology of Japanese-Canadian Poetry. Ed. Gerry Shikatani and David Aylward. 2nd ed. Toronto: Coach House, 1981. 66-67. [Poetry]

Joe, Rita. Song of Eskasoni: More Poems of Rita Joe. 1988. Charlottetown, PEI: Ragweed, 1999. [Poetry]

---. “Hated Structure: Indian Residential School, Shubenacadie, N.S.” Song of Eskasoni 75.

---. “The Lament of Donald Marshall Jr.” Song of Eskasoni 70.

Johnston, Basil. Indian School Days. Toronto: Key Porter, 1988. [Life Writing]

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons . Ed. Howard Davidson et al. Ottawa U. 13 Dec. 2007 <>.

Karp, Carl. When Justice Fails: The David Milgaard Story. Toronto: McClelland, 1991. [Reportage]

Katz, Gertrude, comp. The Time Gatherers: Writings from Prison . Montreal: Harvest House, 1970. [Life Writing]

King, Titus . Narrative of Titus King of Northampton, Mass.: A Prisoner of the Indians in Canada, 1755-1758. Hartford: Connecticut Historical Society, 1938. [Life Writing]

Kogawa, Joy. Obasan. Toronto: Lester, 1981. [Novel]

---. “What Do I Remember of the Evacuation.” Paper Doors: An Anthology of Japanese-Canadian Poetry. Ed. Gerry Shikatani and David Aylward. 2nd ed. Toronto: Coach House, 1981. 148-49. [Poetry]

Kramer, Reinhold, and Tom Mitchell. Walk Towards the Gallows: The Tragedy of Hilda Blake, Hanged 1899. Don Mills, ON: OUP, 2002. [Life Writing]

Lebourdais, Isabel. The Trial of Steven Truscott. Toronto: McClelland, 1966. [Personal Essay]

Lorimier, Chevalier de. 15 Février 1839 : lettres d’un patriote condamné à mort. Ed. Marie-Frédérique Desbiens and Jean-Francois Nadeau. Montréal: Comeau, 2001. [Life Writing]

MacDonald, Maggie, and Allan Gould. The Violent Years of Maggie MacDonald: An Autobiography. Scarborough, ON: Prentice, 1987. [Life Writing]

Murphy, P.J., and Loyd Johnsen. Life-25: Interviews with Prisoners Serving Life Sentences. Vancouver: New Star, 1997. [Reportage/Life Writing]

---, and Jennifer Murphy, eds. Sentences and Paroles: A Prison Reader. Vancouver: New Star, 1998. [Reportage]

Nemat, Marina. Prisoner of Tehran: A Memoir. Toronto: Viking, 2007. [Life Writing]

Nolan, Faith. “Marie-Joseph Angelique.” Fire on the Water: An Anthology of Black Nova Scotian Writing. Vol. 2. Ed. George Elliott Clarke. Lawrencetown Beach, NS: Pottersfield, 1992. 119-20. [Poetry]

P4W: Prison for Women . Dir. Janis Cole and Holly Dale. Spectrum Films, 1981. [Film]

Richardson, Sarah. Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal: An Authentic Narrative of the Horrors, Mysteries and Cruelties of Convent Life. Boston: n.p., 1858. [Life Writing]

Riel, Louis. The Collected Writings of Louis Riel. Ed. George F.G. Stanley. Edmonton: U of Alberta P, 1985. [Life Writing]

---. Louis Riel : journaux de g uerre et de prison . Ed. Ismène Toussaint. Outremont, QC: Stanké, 2005. [Life Writing]

Sam, Lillian. “A Child of Six.” Gatherings: The En’owkin Journal of First North American Peoples 9 (Fall 1998): 139-40. [Poetry]

Schroeder, Andreas. Shaking It Rough: A Prison Memoir. Toronto: Doubleday, 1976. [Life Writing]

Shafford, John Conrad . Narrative of the Extraordinary Life of John Conrad Shafford. New York: Carpenter, 1840. [Life Writing]

Shaggie: Letters from Prison . Dir. Janis Cole. Spectrum Films, 1990. [Film]

Tadman, Peter. Fallen Angels: Inside Canada’s Toughest Women’s Prison. Calgary: Detselig, 2001. [Reportage/Life Writing]

---. In the Words of the Offender. Calgary: Detselig, 1997. [Reportage/Life Writing]

Takashima, Shizuye. A Child in Prison Camp. Toronto: Tundra, 1971. [Life Writing]

Thin Line . Dir. Janis Cole and Holly Dale. NFB, 1977. [Film]

Thrasher, Anthony Apakark, Gerard Deagle, and Alan Mettrick . Thrasher – Skid Row Eskimo. Toronto: Griffin, 1976. [Life Writing]

Truscott, Steven. The Steven Truscott Story. Richmond Hill, ON: Simon, 1971.[Life Writing]

Tyman, James. Inside Out: Autobiography of a Native Canadian. Saskatoon, SK: Fifth House, 1989. [Life Writing]

Vallières, Pierre. Nègres blancs d’Amérique. Rev. ed. Montréal: Typo, 1994. [Life Writing]

Waddington, Miriam. “The Women’s Jail.” The New Oxford Book of Canadian Verse in English. Comp. Margaret Atwood. Toronto: OUP, 1982. 190. [Poetry]

Walford, Bonny. Lifers: The Stories of Eleven Women Serving Life Sentences for Murder. Montreal: Eden, 1987. [Reportage/Life Writing]

Wiebe, Rudy, and Yvonne Johnson . Stolen Life: Journey of a Cree Woman. Toronto: Knopf, 1998. [Life Writing/Reportage]

Wright, Stephen Smith . Narrative and Recollections of Van Diemen’s Land During a Three Years’ Captivity of Stephen S. Wright.New York: Winchester, 1844. [Life Writing]


Compilée par Natasha Dagenais, Roxanne Rimstead et Luis Dominguez